
2015年美国电影《幽闭空间》免费高清在线观看,影片讲述的是THE CONFINES is a claustrophobic thriller that follows a troubled young woman who, in a last-ditch effort at getting her life together, takes a job working nights as a security guard at an abandoned luxury apartment building. Stuck with a brusque rent-a-cop as her partner, she tries to not let her mind play tricks on her while she patrols the empty halls. But as the night progresses strange things begin to happen - and she realizes it may not all be in her head.
《幽闭空间》由杰森·帕特里克,路易莎·克劳瑟,马克·马戈利斯等实力派演员领衔主演,该片的片源对白为中文字幕,芭比影院于2022-07-07更新至该片的正片版本,看过的人对它的综合评分为5.0,推荐几部与《幽闭空间》同样好看的恐怖片:复仇之溪  恐怖蜡像馆2005  糖果女巫  万圣节传说  今晚打丧尸  鬼声波  

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